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Domestic Dispute Leaves Overseas Based Guyanese Hospitalized

Domestic Dispute Leaves Overseas Based Guyanese Hospitalized

Domestic Dispute Leaves Overseas Based Guyanese Hospitalized

Domestic Dispute Leaves Overseas Based Guyanese Hospitalized

Domestic Dispute Leaves Overseas Based Guyanese Hospitalized

Deomattie Rampersaud, an overseas-based Guyanese residing in Highbury Village, East Bank Berbice, finds herself hospitalized at the New Amsterdam Hospital after a violent altercation with her reputed husband.

The incident, which occurred during a heated argument over a phone conversation with a male friend, resulted in Rampersaud sustaining multiple chop wounds inflicted by her husband.

According to reports, the 56-year-old Rampersaud and her 44-year-old reputed husband were embroiled in a dispute on Wednesday evening, during which Rampersaud allegedly threatened to evict him from their residence. Enraged by the threat, the husband armed himself with a cutlass and proceeded to inflict several chops on Rampersaud’s body. Following the assault, he transported her to the New Amsterdam Regional Hospital, where she was admitted as a patient.

Rampersaud’s condition is currently listed as serious but stable, as she receives medical treatment for her injuries. It is reported that trust issues have been a recurring problem in the couple’s relationship.

Meanwhile, the suspect has been apprehended by authorities and is cooperating with ongoing investigations into the incident. The altercation serves as a grim reminder of the pervasive issue of domestic violence and underscores the need for greater awareness and support for victims of such abuse.

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