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Can you Solve this Difficult Minion Puzzle 3 ?

Only 5% Can Solve this Difficult Minion Puzzle 3 ?

Difficult Minion Puzzle 3
Difficult Minion Puzzle 3

Let’s analyze and solve the puzzle!


The circle has four sections, each with three numbers (outer two and a center). The goal is to find the missing value at the bottom-center.

We hypothesize that a specific relationship or mathematical operation connects the numbers in each section.


Top-left section:

  • Numbers: 7, 5, 31
  • Possible relationship: 7×5−4=317 \times 5 – 4 = 317×5−4=31

Top-right section:

  • Numbers: 8, 3, 81
  • Possible relationship: 8×32=818 \times 3^2 = 818×32=81

Bottom-right section:

  • Numbers: 9, 8, 72
  • Possible relationship: 9×8=729 \times 8 = 729×8=72

Bottom-left section (missing number):

  • Numbers: 7, 7, ?
  • Hypothesis: 7×7=497 \times 7 = 497×7=49

Solution Difficult Minion Puzzle 3:

The missing number in the circle is 49.

Can you try solving the other Minion Difficult puzzle below ?

Can you solve this Difficult minion puzzle 2 ?

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