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Public and private sectors support for hurricane-affected countries showcases our humanity

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PM Phillips

Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d), The Honourable Mark Phillips said that the response of the public and private sectors to mobilise aid and send relief supplies to countries affected by the devastating Hurricane Beryl showcases the best of humanity.

The Prime Minister, who is coordinating Guyana’s relief efforts, made the statement during an inspection of the vessel on Wednesday evening, at the Friendship Wharf Facility on the East Bank of Demerara.

On Thursday night the second vessel within the last week and a half, will leave our shores for the hurricane-affected nations.

“Locally, the private and public sector response to the needs has also been overwhelming and has showcased the best of humanity,” the Prime Minister stated. “It reminds us that even the smallest act of kindness can make a significant difference. The generosity of Guyanese companies and organisations has been instrumental in providing these vital supplies. Their efforts have brought much-needed relief and comfort to those affected,” he added.

The Prime Minister added that the response so far showcases the importance of unity and collective action.

“When nations, communities, businesses and other stakeholders unite to support one another, we create a powerful force for good… To every person, every entity, and every business that has lent this invaluable support, I wish you every success and prosperity. Through your thriving future, you will be able to lend a hand to those in need during the worst of times,” he added.

Through collaborative efforts between the private sector and the public sector, including the Civil Defence Commission (CDC) and the Guyana Defence Force (GDF), Guyana loaded two ships with disaster relief supplies destined for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Grenada. The two ships are expected to make port within nine days.

Prime Minister Phillips said that the situation in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines remains “challenging”.

He said that Guyana has paid close attention to the calls for assistance from these countries who have requested assistance for food, water, roofing supplies and other essential items including flashlights, toilet paper, blankets, mattresses, cooking gas, soap, shampoo and raincoats.

Often we may take these things for granted, but in times of devastation, these are the very items that save lives and bring hope,” he said.

He said that thanks to the concerted efforts of many, these essential supplies are reaching the communities in the affected nations.

We have witnessed the strength of international cooperation, with several countries stepping forward to lend their support. Nations like Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, the United States of America, and Canada and organisations such as the United Nations have been instrumental in providing aid and resources, demonstrating the importance of solidarity in times of crisis”, he noted.

The Prime Minister underscored that Guyana remains committed to lending a helping hand to those in need.

As we move forward, we must keep the affected nations in our prayers that they may find the strength to rebuild and recover. May they also find strength for any lives lost and offer help and hope to the families and individuals who must now pick up the pieces”, he said.

He added that with continued inter-country bonds, “we can overcome, we can thrive, and we can always have hope for a brighter tomorrow”.

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